“Hidden Layers: Trace of tradition in contemporary painting”

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We’re going out West! In collaboration with @orbitaldago, Lanö Art Project @lano_art_project present

“Hidden Layers: Trace of tradition in contemporary painting” Showcasing works from Agus Mediana Cuprux Darmika Solar I.M. Agus Saputra Kadek Dwi Darmawan Kuncir Sathya Viku Curated by Asmudjo J. Irianto The exhibition aims to bring out discussions on what is often concealed as defunct, outdated, ancient, mythical, and anachronistic in contemporary art and culture. Presenting the works of 5 artists who have extracted their explorations from tradition and contemporary roots, the showcase displays their viewpoints of the interrelations between traditional and contemporaneity. The presentation taps into several questions involving displacement, dichotomy, exclusiveness, and stark contrasts that address the affirmation of both as part of a continuous cultural and artistic development. Opening on 15 November, 2023 16:00 – 20.00 WIB at Orbital Dago Bandung The exhibition is available for public viewing until 10 December, 2023 Open daily 09:00 – 20:00


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